Employee Search Results Screen

Use this screen to view, add, modify employee records. Columns in the Search Results pane can be sorted and arranged in any order you prefer.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Last Name
First Name
These are search filters located in the Employees panel. The Active droplist values include Inactive, Active, and All.
Search Select this option to search employee records using the above criteria.
New Employee Select this option to add a new employee.
Refresh This option refreshes the data in the Search Results pane.
Print Use this option to print a list of employees.
Print Preview Selecting this option to view the list of employees in your screen.
Export to CSV Select this option to export the list of employees in CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format.
Active When checked, it indicates the selected employee is active.
Employee ID This value is the log on user ID assigned to the employee.
Last Name
First Name
Display Name
These fields are the employee names.
Address 1
Address 2
This is the street/mail address of the employee.
Primary Secondary Phone
These are the employee contact numbers and email address.
Hire Date
Termination Date
These dates are used to activate or de-active the employee record.
Emergency Contact
Emergency Phone 1
Emergency Phone 2
This is the emergency contact information.
Edit This mini-toolbar option opens the selected employee record.

See Also

Searching Employee Records







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